In 2006, I accomplished a feat that was ahead of its time for my city so I didn't really have the opportunity to make the accomplishment pay dividends then. 4 years later, getting a glimmer of that same spotlight I had is something to rave about. In case you have no idea what I am talking about, I'm speaking on making it onto the AllHipHop.Com site. I did just that in 2006 thanks to three very important individuals- T. Piper, Kevin Clark & Steve Raze. Because of the very special write-up within the sites Breeding Ground section, my local craft generated a nationwide viewing that launched my career into full gear. Almost 4 and a half years later , I am still getting major support from the web site's owner Steve Raze who continues to post my music for everyone to hear. Just recently, he crowned my song "THIS DREAM" featuring Dave Sha as the site's Heater of the Day, an honor all artists wish for. So to Kevin Clark, T. Piper and especially the homey Steve Raze, I'd like to say thank you for everything!

One of the reasons I was even able to get that plug to AllHipHop.Com was due to my music being played and heard on a station that was also broadcast worldwide via the internet, 90.1 KPFT. So without a doubt I have to thank 2 major individuals, Matt Sonzala & DJ Bobby Phats. Phats, who now hosts the station's show "The Groove," continues to play my music and support my career. He has given me numerous occasions to utilize his platform to reach the masses and for that I am eternally grateful! Hell, he had even been spinning an exclusive off of the upcoming album THE TEXAS RENAISSANCE for weeks before I even knew anyone had it! Now my dude Matt is no longer in Houston, but he continues to do the same thing he did for me here for the lucky artists who now have him in Austin. Besides the radio, Matt spotlighted me on his blogs, in his magazine articles & most importantly on an oh so coveted bill at the SXSW showcase!

So I guess I'll end this little blog by saying I hope I have a future filled with more write-ups like this one. Even more so, I hope that I can affect someone else's career in the same positive fashion as these people and so many others have affected mine. Believe it or not, success can never be attained on one's own merit, someone somewhere has to help you out with something. Whatever you do, just never forget to say thank you......