Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let's Go!!

So, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning & now the world of entertainment has to pay for it! For some reason, the fact that artists & key players in my city have been mistaking my humbleness for weakness just pissed me off today even though I've been knowing it & it never really mattered. With that said, let me explain a few things to yall as I get my vent on....
1st and foremost, I am one of the very few artists in Houston who has continuously paid homage to ALL my predecessors- including the dudes in my own draft class who I know aren't better than me but went on to have a little success. It's just amazing to me that these same people would rather pretend like they dont know me instead of getting up with me when in all actuality I do larger things than them as an unsigned artist then they do as major label artists! 2ndly, at the end of the day, these dudes were lucky- I have more talent in one eyelash than they have in their whole bodies! I'm frustrated right now by the fact that I have to take my respect when I've done everything necessary to simply earn it. The sad part is I know that as soon as I start lashing out then all of a sudden everyone is going to want to say I'm tripping and what not- should've thought about that when you were playing me for weak!
Honestly, check my resume! I don't boast and I don't brag but the truth of the matter is I have maneuvered my way through this industry on respect while the rest of these guys got by on a dollar! I continue to build relationships & they continue to buy friendships! I'm paving the way & they're paying their way! Well, be that as it may, no more Mister Nice Guy! I have no problem saying that I am the best artist in my city & I have no problem proving it. If anybody has a problem with my words then do whatever you deem necessary to prove me wrong- let's go!