I thought I'd take this time to thank all of you once again for your continued support and show you the progress that WE are making together- WE being me the artist and you the fan/supporter/motivator! So, you all know the initial photo shoot for "Got Me A Cadillac" came out hot & I assure you the 2nd shoot will be ridiculous! We're preparing for the video this week and should have the treatment done by the weekend! In the meantime, we're also working on the treatment for the "She Likes It" video with Lil Keke and our true 1st single from the album that we're going to leave as a surprise.....you have to wait for this one but I promise when you hear it & see it you are going to lose you mind- the song is bonkers! Anyway, this post is really about progress so thanks to you I have made significant strides and have been receiving a lot of press both in & out of the states! So, I would like to share a lil bit of the press with you by providing you with a few links! Thanks again for the love & support, TEAM PKT- LET'S GO!!!!!
HipHopRuckus.Com- UK InterviewRagoMagazine.Com- UK InterviewMV Remix Press ReleaseScrewheads Blog ReviewSteady Bloggin' Review
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