As strange as this may sound, these are the questions that my love asks me every time I call myself spending moments with her. Often times I find myself just holding my pen, wishing I could script for her all the things that she has asked me & present them to the masses but……..she will not have that. Instead, she wants me to put on my cape and come to her rescue like a super hero without stopping to realize that I wasn't born on planet Krypton nor was I bitten by a biological super spider. When I try to tell her that I am only human, nothing more than an insignificant body of flesh & blood she tells me that this is only an excuse. Then she explains to me that my words are her voice and my actions are her life and I begin to grasp that I am much more than just a human being. I start to recognize that I too have the power to be immortal. My words are timeless and my impression can be everlasting if and only if I do something worthy of remembering. So I begin to scribble stories of triumph, inscribing truths on my paper as if I'm writing a new version of the Holy Bible. I speak of all the things that people need to hear so that someone will listen and my articulation won't be in vain. I write with a passion concealed until my wrist is numb and my eyes are too blurry to interpret my own words. When it is all said and done, the world nods to the rhythm of my words. The beat of my heart provides the necessary cadence needed every time I want to express my feelings after my love and I have conversed. What I call an art some label a hobby & what I call my love some dub as hip hop but whatever we choose to term it one thing will forever remain true- it is eternal.
Music is much more than just a collection of harmonious instrumentation united to make you dance. It is a breath of fresh air when everything around you becomes mundane and an escape when you need to break away from the here & now. Music is the super hero that saves us when life is on its villainous rampage and the only strength we can muster up is in the melody of our favorite song. Hip hop is my love & I refuse to let her lay dying by the wayside when I know I have the power to revitalize her existence. My words are her voice & my actions will be her life. Together we shall live forever because I am more than just a human being and she is more than just the combination of words and melodies set to a tempo. Contrary to popular belief she is not dead and she shall never die because collectively, we are immortal. All hail the queen and long live my love- hip hop!
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